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Leading the way to India’s second golden age

August is a special month for the entire country and Indians globally. We stand prouder, walk with our heads held higher. August signifies autonomy, victory and independence. On that note, we wish all our readers globally a very happy 70th Independence day!
It also reminds us of how far we have come and how far we have to go. Children are our torchbearers in this journey towards a new dawn, India’s second golden age. And we know they will not disappoint us.
As a testament to the same, attached are excerpts from letters that children of Cathedral and John Connon School have written to the Prime Minister just a few weeks go.
Seventh grader Avni Vats reminds us that although equality remains one of the strongest principles of our preamble and Constitution, we often forget about it.
“The most eminent and unfulfilled promise is that of equality. Equality, whether it is in terms of status and opportunity or regarding one’s general lifestyle, is one of India’s biggest problems and is getting harder to tackle by the decade. It is easiest to observe inequality in society in bustling cities like Mumbai and Delhi, where the rich live alongside the poor. In our country, the rich, although few in number take luxurious holidays abroad and travel in spacious cars, whilst those who are less fortunate scarcely get one meal a day.”
As a suggestion to combat this problem, she suggests better taxation systems, government sponsored shelters and necessary subsidies.
Neel Maheshwari talks about the inequality of access to goods and services and touches upon the prevailing issue of gender equality.
 “The rich can afford immediate medical attention, have access to electricity, a hygienic and clean water supply while the less fortunate cannot even afford clean water and food… The poor also struggle to afford clean clothes and medical attention if someone in the family has fallen ill. This inequality between the rich and the poor provides fewer opportunities to the poor thereby making it difficult for the poor to become successful.”
As a solution, he suggests a change in law that would encourage citizens to donate to a Government fund dedicated to combat gender, religious and access inequality.
Rithwik Salhotra emphatically stated that “More than half of the educational opportunities and job opportunities are reserved. Hence they are not available to become “DESERVED INDIANS”, but are made available for “RESERVED INDIANS” while Myrra Arya suggests setting up food shelters and compulsory donation to eliminate hunger and poverty from our society.
When we see children grappling with complex problems and providing solutions, our joy knows no bounds. At Desh Apnayen, we want to raise an active, involved and motivated citizenry. Let’s learn from them and involve ourselves with our nation. Let’s make our country golden, abundant and prosperous again!
Let’s move away from apathy towards empathy and action, towards a new golden beginning.
Jai Hind!
Please stand up for the national anthem, celebrating the spirit of Indian children.

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Anita Guruji
Anita Guruji
8 years ago

I truely believe….as unless until we as elders will not teach our children to be patient and tolerant the real equality will not be achieved.
I really appriciate the initiative taken by Desh Apanayen as we as a partner school get opportunity to know about the people who are doing great work in keeping the equality alive.
Thanks for sharing