What is
Truth Talks
Truth means ‘what is’, the reality that alone can succeed, the gravity to which all must return
Mundak Upanishad.
Yet, we so often resort to falsehood for short-term gains losing much of our peace, reputation and capability in the bargain.
Why have we moved away from the path of Truth? Is it because Truth has got redefined by law, legal affirmations, sectarian beliefs, marketing, etc? Truth talks, an initiative of Satya Vigyan Foundation, seeks to explore this question by having a dialogue with those who have experimented a lot with Truth. Even with just a little more alignment to Truth, to what is, a more truthful society will enjoy greater peace and productivity.
An initiative of Satya Vigyan Foundation to mainstream the understanding of Truth as a phenomenon more than just a moral value or a legal obligation. SVF intends to develop courses and hold talks, seminars or webinars and create discussion forums to get more and more sections of the society to think and benefit from the most powerful phenomenon in Nature – rather Nature itself. The inspiration comes from Mundaka Upanishad’s well-known precept: सत्यमेव जयते नानृतम – What is not in Nature cannot succeed (or last) and Truth alone (what is in Nature) can.
SVF ‘s experiment of creating a course on Samyak Darshan – the right view, as the foundation of spiritual progress has been well received and its 30 sessions around the world have been life-changing for participants. The course enables the participants to realise that – not scholarly knowledge, not a ton of rituals and pilgrimages, not lifelong fasting not sheer devotion can lead to spiritual progress unless it is founded on the direct experience of the true working of Nature. The goal of such an experience has to be consciously kept in mind whatever be the path.
Truth Talks will invite people from various fields of human endeavour who are respected in the community for their efforts to lead a successful life of integrity. These are the people who have experienced and experimented with Truth.
Mr Narayana Murthy, founder of Infosys and the author of the first book of Corporate Governance in the liberalised India has agreed to have the first dialogue on 8th August at 10.30 am on the web. Govindraj Ethiraj, The founder of Boom Digital and FactChecker.in will be the anchor. Several other luminaries have agreed to follow in the series.

NRN Murty in conversation with Govindraj EthirajTruth means ‘what is’, the only reality, the gravity to which all must return. Yet, why so many of us, so often, get tempted by the short term gains using falsehood and then lose much – by way of peace, reputation and more. Is it because Truth has got redefined by law, legal affirmations, sectarian beliefs, marketing, etc. Truth Talks, an initiative of Satya Vigyan Foundation, seeks to bring to the fore the extraordinary amongst us, those who have experimented a lot with Truth for a dialogue. Come benefit from it and from the immense comfort of gravity of Truth.

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