Desh Apnayen’s Actizen Club
June 2020
Themes: Environment &
Digital Safety and Security
Week 1
What could we as ACTIZENs do to protect and preserve biodiversity?
World Environment Day
We can be alert citizens by being aware of the biodiversity around us. We can be informed citizens by knowing what we could, as citizens, do, and active citizens by doing our bit to preserve the biodiversity.
Digital club formation/renewal process for partner schools
If the schools are interested in the constitution of a club for this academic year, fill in the intent form given below and send your nomination and details to us. Also, share the student’s nomination form with students from Grade 5 – 9 and ask them to submit their forms online.
Week 2
Continue with the ACTIZENS® Club with last year’s/existing members and office bearers if they are still in school and start the learning process digitally
Week 3
Research based activity for one of the most useful app “Aarogya Setu app”
This month Desh Apnayen urges the young leaders or ACTIZENS to research more about this app and how helpful it is in keeping us and our families safe from spreading of COVID-19.
Week 4
How our young ACTIZENS supporting our country to become self-reliant.
“Atma Nirbhar India”, announced by our Prime Minister is a very recent movement and a powerful thought to revive the Indian Economy and prepare the road map for India to become self-reliant by using Indian products and doing away with foreign products.
Deals at hotels with desert excursions included.
Visit Santorini and learn about its architecture and history.
Indulge by the beach and relax with a massage.